Storm: Waste Collection Information
Important Green Cart Reminder During Windstorms
Please make sure your green cart is secure during wind events.
Seasonal Leaf and Yard Drop-Off Sites
The seasonal leaf and yard drop-off sites located in North Sydney, New Waterford and Glace Bay have opened for the season. The sites will remain open until Mid-November.
Residents can continue to bring tree debris and other leaf and yard waste to the Waste Management Site on SPAR road in Sydney year-round 8am to 4pm Tuesday to Saturday.
Important Green Cart Reminder During Strong Winds:
Please make sure your green cart is secure during weather events.
Curbside Collection: Inclement Weather Reminder
Is your curbside collection day scheduled to happen during unfavorable weather or road conditions? If so, you can choose to hold onto your materials until your area’s next regularly scheduled collection day.
- EXTRA garbage bags and green cart material will be collected on your area’s next regularly scheduled collection day.
- Blue bags will be collected on your area's next regularly scheduled blue bag collection week.
If you decide to place your materials curbside during inclement weather, it is your responsibility to make sure the material remains secure during heavy winds, if the materials become buried during snow fall, during plowing of your road or street, or placed in an area that may affect vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
At the end of the collection day, if your material is not collected, please remove from the curb. It is your responsibility to remove any uncollected materials at the end the day.

Curbside Collection Schedule Information
CBRM's Curbside Collection Schedule does not change when collection is cancelled on an area's collection day.
If collection is cancelled, please remove your materials from the curb.
• Extra garbage and green cart material will be collected on the area’s next regularly scheduled collection day.
• Blue bags will be collected on the area’s next regularly scheduled blue bag collection week.
For more information on curbside collection, please phone the waste management hotline at (902) 567-1337.
Residents are also encouraged to check out the departments new Curbside Collection App and waste sorting tool, the Waste Wizard. To access click:
Residents are encouraged to contact the Waste Management Hotline if they have questions. Educators are available to respond to inquiries from 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.