Active Transportation

CBRM in Motion Active Transportation Plan 2022 - to view plan click here (PDF)
CBRM Active Transportation Plan Update. Presentation to CBRM General Committee February 5, 2019
To view presentation, click here
Grand Lake Multi Use Path officially opened November 2, 2018 with a new name: The Maryann Corbett Trail.
To view a map of the completed Maryann Corbett Trail, click here
To read the announcement of opening of the completed Maryann Corbett Trail, click here
A Crosswalk Strategy for CBRM has been prepared by the Active Transportation Committee in consultation with CBRM Public Works. The Strategy was presented to Council on June 6, 2017. The Crosswalk Strategy can be viewed by clicking here.
What is Active Transportation?
Active transportation refers to any form of human-powered transportation - walking, cycling, wheeling, in-line skating, skateboarding, skiing or paddling.
Active transportation is something everyone does in some form or another, whether it is walking to the bus stop, going for a bike ride with the family, or cycling to school.
Residents who turn to active transportation as a viable means of commuting and carrying out personal business realize benefits in terms of health, happiness, reduced travel costs and the satisfaction that their travel produces almost no pollution, benefiting the environment.
Check out these videos to learn more about how CBRM residents incorporate AT into their daily lives.
CBRM Cycling Routes
This spring, why not try cycling around our region?
The CBRM Active Transportation Committee and Velo Cape Breton partnered to create cycling maps and a cycling handbook to help you get started.
Paper copies of the map are available at the CBRM Recreation Department. Click on the links below to view the map.
CBRM Walking Trails
Get out and walk Cape Breton! Here in CBRM there are a variety of walking paths and trails to suit all activity levels and abilities.
To view the various walking paths and trails click HERE.
To download a PDF version of the Trails Map click on the brochure below.
CBRM Walking and Hiking Trails [8.3 MB]
CBRM Active Transportation Plan
The CBRM Active Transportation Plan was approved by Council on June 17, 2008. Please click here to download a copy of the Executive Summary of the AT Plan.
Maps accompanying the Executive Summary document:
An overview of the plan is available here as a PowerPoint presentation. The entire CBRM Active Transportation Plan is available in PDF format:
Additional Information on CBRM Active Transportation Plan:
Open House Summary [2.3 MB]
News on Implementation of the CBRM AT Plan
Since the CBRM AT Plan was adoped in 2008, much work has taken place to implement the Plan's recommendations.
Please click on the following links to find out more:
