Municipal Heritage Property
In 2004, the Planning and Development Department became responsible for administering the CBRM Heritage Property By-law, and for promotion of heritage conservation in our communities. Planning and Development Department staff work closely with the Heritage Advisory Committee, a committee of Council that includes both elected Council members as well as citizens who are appointed by Council to serve on the Committee.
In addition to the Heritage Property By-law, Sydney’s North End has been designated as a Heritage Conservation District. The Heritage Conservation District Plan and By-law sets out the intent of the Council to protect not only the individual buildings but also the overall character of Sydney’s North End Heritage Conservation District.
Heritage Incentive Program
The CBRM’s Heritage Incentive Program assists eligible heritage property owners with the cost of associated with maintaining the heritage value of their property. Applications are mailed to eligible property owners each year after Council approves its budget.
Heritage Incentive Program Guidelines
Heritage Property Registration
The registration of new heritage properties must be reviewed by the Heritage Advisory Committee and approved by Council.
Criteria for Heritage Property Registration
Information to Support a Municipal Registration Request
To request a building be registered, please contact:
Heritage Officer
Cape Breton Regional Municipality
Planning and Development Department
320 Esplanade, Suite 201
B1P 7B9
Or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.