Information for candidates


Nomination Appointments were concluded September 10, 2024. Here are the candidates!

Information for candidates

Every four years, the municipality holds an election for Regional Council (Mayor and Councillors) and the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial (CSAP) members.  The 2024 Municipal and CSAP Election will take place on Saturday, October 19, 2024

Have a voice in the positive changes you envision in your community 

Municipalities play a critical role in our day-to-day lives.  The role of municipal government has a direct impact on the lives of those who live, work, and invest in the municipality.  From recreation to transportation, to development and waste collection – and beyond!

Running for public office at the municipal level provides a platform to amplify the voice of those within your community and advocate for issues that matter the most to you and your neighbors.

Candidate qualifications 



  • Be a Canadian Citizen at least 18 years of age at time of nomination;

  • Be ordinarily resident in the municipality for 6 months preceding nomination day (i.e. since March 9th), and continues to so reside

  • Have all property taxes owing as of nomination day paid and a certificate is required from our tax office (for Mayor and Councillor candidates only - not CSAP).

  • And the candidate cannot be otherwise disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act or Education (CSAP) Act

  • A $200 deposit is required at the time of nomination (i.e. cash, certified cheque, money order or debit)

You do not need to reside in the polling district of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality in which you wish to seek election, as long as you meet the residency requirement of six months in the municipality.

Note: In addition to meeting the general qualifications listed above, a CSAP candidate must be an "entitled parent" or "entitled person" within the meaning of sections 3(h), (i) and (t) of the Education (CSAP) Act.

Corrupt practices

Sections 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155 and 156 of the Municipal Elections Act (MEA) outline corrupt practices (click here).  All persons participating in any part of the municipal and CSAP election process, including candidates and their agents, are expected to comply with the MEA.

Advertising materials/signs

All campaign material that is printed, published, broadcast or distributed, either electronically, or in hard copy, must bear the name of the person on whose behalf the ad is printed, published or distributed. Candidates must authorize all advertising material. Failure to comply with these requirements is an offence under Section 143 of the Municipal Elections Act.

Candidates should obtain the permission of the owner of the property before posting campaign signs.

Election signs and other forms of advertising are not allowed on Municipally-owned property and may be removed and destroyed without any notice to candidates or their agents.  Click here for additional information on election signs.


Nomination Papers can be filed with the Returning Officer by appointment beginning August 29th.  Book an appointment at 902-563-5010.

Official Nomination Day is Tuesday, September 10th and nominations can be filed with the Returning Officer between 9 am and 5 pm. Even though no appointment is necessary, it is recommended that candidates make an appointment.

September 10th is also the deadline to name an official agent.

NOTE:  Pursuant to Section 53 of the Municipal Elections Act, before 4:00 p.m. on the day after nomination day (i.e. September 11, 2024), a candidate may appear in person (or by his/her official agent) before the Returning Officer and file a signed declaration that (s)he withdraws as a candidate and the deposit shall be forfeited. 

Candidate contributions

All contributions of $50 or over to a candidate’s campaign must be reported on Form 40 which will be provided in the Candidate’s package.  Following the Election, contribution forms are open to public inspection.

Contributions made to Municipal or CSAP candidates are not tax deductible – no tax receipts are issued. No anonymous contributions are allowed.

Candidate resources 

Explore what your next steps are as a prospective candidate and learn more about what you need to become an official candidate.

 Explore resources for candidates