Divert Nova Scotia Education
Divert NS is a not-for-profit corporation championing Nova Scotians to Reduce, Reuse, Re-Purpose, Recycle, Compost, and Re-think waste management so we can live more sustainably. They achieve this through a combination of stewardship programs, education and awareness initiatives, strategic partnerships, and providing new opportunities and approaches to waste diversion and reduction. For more information about Divert NS visit: Divert NS
The CBRM Solid Waste Department works in partnership with Divert NS to offer waste management educational services to residents, schools, institutions, businesses and industries (ICI sector),
The Solid Waste Department offers free waste management education and assistance to schools, institutions, businesses, industries, and community groups. Our educators will also review and assess ICI waste management programs to ensure they are complying with municipal and provincial regulations and requirements. If interested in waste management education or assistance for improving your waste management programs contact the Waste Management Hotline 902- 567-1337.
Education and Outreach
CBRM Solid Waste offers free presentations and waste management services to schools, universities, buisnesses, community groups, and organizations. Presentations, information sessions and information displays are customized for each classroom, organization and group.
To request a presentation or visit from one of the department's educators contact 902-567-1337.

Divert NS has developed materials that will connect to curriculum outcomes. To review curriculum outcome topics for Grades Primary to 8 visit Divert NS's Hub for Education Divert NS Learning Resources
High School Teachers
The educator will customize waste management topics to meet your curriculum outcomes. Let us know the topics you are interested in by speaking with an educator.
Example Topics include:
- Ocean Plastics and Litter
- Waste Sorting and reduction
- Vermi-composting
- Waste Management and Climate
- Food and Waste Management
Visit Divert NS Curriculm pages for other topic possibilities that educators can customize for each classroom. Visit Divert NS Lesson Plan topics
Community Outreach Displays
Educators are available to participate in information displays. The information used for displays focuses on solid waste services, sorting information, litter, illegal dumping and other important waste management topics. Display information can also be customized for outreach events when required.
To book a waste educator to attend your next event or activity contact the hotline at (902)567-1337.