Safe Sharps Disposal
Used needles, syringes, lancets, auto injectors and infusion sets must not be placed in the garbage, green cart or blue bags.
Please DO NOT do the following with sharps:
- DO NOT put used sharps in garbage bags.
- DO NOT put used sharps in blue bags.
- DO NOT put used sharps in green cart.
- DO NOT put used sharps in plastic bottles or jugs for disposal.
- DO NOT flush sharps down the toilet.
- DO NOT try to remove, bend or recap needles used by another person.
- DO NOT put anything but sharps in the sharps containers.
Sharps can cause serious harm to people required to collect curbside materials and/or sort your materials at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). If you are pricked with a used needle, seek immediate medical attention. Needle stick injuries may cause infections or diseases.

For your safety and the safety of others sharps should only be placed in a Safe Sharps Container available for free at any local pharmacy.

Safe Sharps Disposal
- Pick up a FREE Safe Sharps container at your local community pharmacy.
- Place your used sharps into the Safe Sharps container.
- When the container is almost full, seal the lid.
- Return the sealed container to your community pharmacy.
- If required, ask for another empty safe sharps container.

The Safe Sharps program is funded by Nova Scotia's pharmacies, sharps manufacturers and medication distributors. For more information visit: Safe Sharps Information
Institutions, Businesses & Industries (ICI) Sector
The Safe Sharps program does not accept used sharps from commercial business including medical, dental, or veterinary clinics, home care professionals, assisted living facilities, group homes, nursing homes, long-term facilities or farms. If your business has used needles, please contact your professional association.