Winter Collection Reminders
The winter months in CBRM often means cold, unpredictable weather and poor driving conditions. Unpredictable weather and/or poor road conditions could result in waste collection challenges faced by both residents and curbside collectors. Residents are encouraged to follow some of the suggestions listed below when preparing and placing materials curbside for collection.
Winter Collection Information
Winter weather and road conditions can sometimes interfere with the safe removal of curbside materials. If this happens on your scheduled collection day, remove all materials from the curb by 9pm.
- EXTRA garbage bags and green cart material will be collected on your area's next scheduled collection day.
- Blue Bags will be collected on your area's next regularly scheduled blue bag collection week.
It is important to remove uncollected materials from the curb. If your material is not collected, by 9pm on our collection day, remove it from the curb. It is your responsibility to remove any uncollected materials.
Curbside Collection: Inclement Weather Reminder
Is your curbside collection day scheduled to happen during unfavorable weather or road conditions? If so, you can choose to hold onto your materials until your area’s next regularly scheduled collection day.
- Extra garbage bags and green cart material will be collected on your area’s next regularly scheduled collection day.
- Blue bags will be collected on your area's next regularly scheduled blue bag collection week.
If you decide to place your materials curbside, it is your responsibility to make sure the material remains secure at the curb.
If your material is not collected, by 9pm on our collection day, remove it from the curb. It is your responsibility to remove any uncollected materials.

Curbside Collection Cancellations
If curbside collection is cancelled on your area’s regularly scheduled collection day, please remove ALL your materials from the curb.
- Extra garbage bags and green cart materials will be collected on your area’s next regularly scheduled collection day.
- Blue bags will be collected on your area’s next regularly scheduled blue bag collection week.
Placing Materials Curbside During Winter Months
Locating an area to safely place your materials out for collection during the winter months can be challenging. Please make sure:
- Garbage bags, green cart and blue bags are accessible to the collector. Your materials should not be placed behind or ontop of a snow bank, fence, tree or other objects that could interfer with collection.
- Garbage bags, green cart, and blue bags do not interfer with pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Your materials should not be placed on the sidewalk or in the street.
- Garbage bags, green cart, and blue bags do not interfer with snow removal activities.
Winter Collection Reminders:
- Please DO NOT place HOT ASHES in your green cart or inside your garbage bags.
- COLD, ASHES can be placed inside your garbage bag.
- It is common for some material to remain stuck or frozen to the inside of your green cart following collection.
- If your materials are mistakenly hit by snow removal equiptment, please make sure you cleanup the mess and remove the debris from the curb.
- Collection interruptions and delays are common during the winter.
If you use a garbage bin for collection:
- Remove snow from the lid so it can be safely opened by the collector.
- Make sure the collector is able to safely access the bin to remove your garbage bags.
- Make sure any slippery areas leading to the bin have been salted or sanded.
- Do not place hot or warm ashes inside the garbage bin.